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How did the Explore Wisconsin Series come to be? Glad you asked. Every week at the brewery, as we gather around the proverbial "water cooler" (ours looks like a box of donuts) we discuss what we did over the weekend. Almost without fail, someone made it to a corner of the state that someone hasn't had the good fortune to experience. Cities, towns, communities, and regions full of activities, nature wonder, great restaurants and bars, and amazing people.

Since we love this state we call home we wanted to share our "water cooler" moments with all of our fans. We love finding new places to explore and we thought the best way to do that is through our beer.  The Explore Wisconsin Series was born.

Meet The Photographers

Each photo we've used has been provided either by a local photographer or by the visitor bureau for that location. Either way, there is always more to the story than just a snapshot. Click below for some background about the gorgeous shots we've used.

Submit Your Photo

Do you know of a corner of Wisconsin worth exploring? Have a picture worthy of being on a beer can? Share it with us!

Not every photo will be featured on a can - but some will, and even if it doesn't it might make it onto our social media pages.

Photos must be high resolution and YOUR OWN WORK (no sending us something you saw on someone else's Instagram). Along with your photo, send us your contact info, where the photo was taken, and what it is showing (obviously it has to be in Wisconsin).


We love exploring Wisconsin so much that we decided to share it with you! On the bottom of every 6-pack and 12-pack carton is a QR code. Scan that code, fill out the information and you'll be entered to win a Wisconsin experience. Every month we give away something different; tickets to sporting events, museum tickets, even hotel stays! Enter as much as you'd like, and keep checking back to see what the new giveaway is.