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Barrel Society

Looking for the best, most unique, and exclusive barrel aged beers we have to offer? Look no further. You've found the 3 Sheeps Barrel Society. Check out below what we have to offer


Basic Membership: $50/year
This level gives you the preorder access to all of our barrel aged releases, including Barrel Society exclusive releases.

Premium Membership: $265/year
The premium membership includes 12 bottles of our Barrel Society exclusive releases ($240 value).

All Memberships Include:
- 10% discount on all non-barrel-aged beer and merchandise in our Sheboygan Taproom
- Invitation to our members only Barrel Society party (can you say FREE SAMPLES?)
- Free annual Barrel Society exclusive t-shirt and glass
- Access to preorder for all barrel aged releases


12 Bottles of Barrel Aged Beer

As a Barrel Society member, you have access to six exclusive barrel-aged releases from 3 Sheeps made just for the Barrel Society. Yearly releases include two Barrel Society-only Wolf variants as part of the 6 exclusive releases and the right to reserve ALL additional barrel-aged beers, including but not limited to:

  • The Wolf – Double Barrel
  • Anniversary Beers
  • Barleywines and many, many more

We’ll Store the Beer For You

We securely hold your six Barrel Society Beers all year long if needed. Only want to make one trip to Sheboygan? You have until January of the following year to pick up your beer. You can certainly pick up the beers after every release, but the option for us to store your beer is there.

Custom Barrel Society
T-shirt + Glassware

Members of the Barrel Society will receive a unique Barrel Society t-shirt as well as a newly designed Barrel Society glass each year.


Barrel Society Members receive discounts at the taproom on beer and merchandise. Get 10% off all non-barrel-aged beer (draft and to-go), and all merchandise (gift cards and memberships excluded).

Barrel Society Enrollement is Open Now!

Join The Waitlist

Interested in The Barrel Society? Sign up here to be the first to know when enrollment opens.

* indicates required

Stay In the Know

Barrel Society members will be receiving regular emails regarding upcoming releases with instructions on how to pre-order beer, along with some behind the scenes videos talking about the beers.

First Right of Acceptance to Next Year’s Membership

As always, you’ll have the first right to re-enroll in the following year’s club.

Barrel Society Party

We look forward to hosting a party every July for the Barrel Society. We bring out special beers, having tasting stations where you can sample beers pulled right from barrels, chat with members of the brewery, and other barrel aged beer lovers.  And, you get to bring a friend.